Xtophers Salons Inc
102-1926 Broadway W, Vancouver BC V6J 1Z2
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Christopher Sullivan, owner of Xtophers Salons, is passsionate about hair design and colouring, and he’s particularly enthusiastic about his stylists’ in-depth technique. Treating the hairstyling experience as more than a simple cut or colour, Christopher and his stylists aim to make each visit a creative exploration of their clients’ inner beauty.

Realizing the impact a haircut can have on a person’s identity and outlook, Xtophers Salons aim to brighten every client’s day. Christopher hopes that a positive experience in his salon might have a ripple effect and lead to positive actions down the road. “If they’re getting positive energy from themselves,”says Christopher of his clients.

“Maybe when they walk out they hold the door for somebody. Maybe they smile, maybe they say please and thank you, maybe they throw two bucks in somebody’s hat when they walk by. That’s something I can get behind.”

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