Seven Oaks Garden Housing Cooperative Ltd
22-15 Jack Donner Dr, Winnipeg MB R2V 3N1
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Évaluations et commentaires - Seven Oaks Garden Housing Cooperative Ltd

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    As a new visitor to this co-op I was very disapointed with the treatment and the professionalism of the management of this place. I would expect that when you have to pay to be a member of a co-op there would at the very least be some kind of respect for their members as people and human beings with rights and feelings and privacy. I witnessed the management yelling and screaming at a member in the middle of the parking lot and refusing to even hear what the member had to say in defense, when I tried to speak as a visitor to the place she yelled at me and refused to hear what I had to say. When I later went to the office to find someone to speak to she refused to give me any information as to how I could speak to anyone other than her. And continually tried to tell me this members business even though I told her I didn't want to hear others private business. If she had stopped to listen to what everyone was trying to tell her she would of known that I was just there picking up a handicapped old later and would be there for no longer than a few minutes....instead she flared up and continually yelled in public when it was not necessary.....very unprofessional I would say. I would hope when you have to pay the fees it cost to live in a co-op that at the very least you could expect the right to privacy and respect for your self as well as your neighbour ...I would also that if the members had a problem with you that it could be expected to be handled with some dignity and in a private setting where the whole co-op didn't have to bear witness to the degredating experience of being yell at by people in charge like a mother yelling at her child.... but then don't we all look down at the mother yelling at her child in public??? Definately not a place I would like to live.

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