Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour vous remettre sur pied, venez me voir, Dr. Leen (prononcez Lane), à ma clinique de podologie à Billtown.
Veuillez être aussi bien que nous n'acceptions que de nouveaux patients pour un traitement (comme les ongles incarnés, les cors, etc.). Cependant, vous pouvez appeler tout au long de la semaine pour prendre rendez-vous.J'ai ouvert ma clinique à Centreville en 1990 et depuis, j'ai offert à la communauté locale les plus hauts standards de soins des pieds et de services podiatriques.
Si vous avez des oignons douloureux, des ongles incarnés ou des verrues plantaires, venez à ma clinique sur Ira Bill Road pour un traitement efficace.
Je peux fabriquer des orthèses en acier inoxydable durables sur mesure et fournir des soins aux pieds diabétiques.
Quel que soit votre problème, appelez-moi dès aujourd'hui pour une consultation ou pour prendre de texte
One thing I have now learned is that you need happy feet – they are so important to living. After having grumbly feet for 35 years, I cane across Dr DeLange 6 years ago, and my feet have never been happier and I have never been so active. So well worth a visit!!
Our family has been seeing Dr DeLange for over 25 years. Although we have each gone to him with different complaints – a toddler unable to walk; knee pain; hip pain; toe injury; foot pain – with his vast knowledge, professional skill, and diagnostic expertise he identified our individual issues and created personalized recovery and management plans. Because of his care some members of our family no longer need orthotics. Those who do, rely on his yearly checkups to keep us healthy and active.
Dr. DeLange is a wealth of information
on how to keep feet happy. Many of us are mistreating our feet which can lead to many problems and much pain , with the proper information and treatment we can make our feet and ultimately our whole body feel so much better .
I have been a patient of Dr .DeLange for several years and have had the pleasure of walking around with very happy feet since my first visit .
I highly recommend a visit , your feet will thank you :)
I have been seeing Dr. DeLange for over 7 years now. At the time, the pain in my left toe/foot was incredible. I had been to many professionals who were perplexed and unable to provide diagnosis. Dr. DeLange diagnosed the problem and removed the problem toenail and the corn which grew underneath. To be relieved of such pain was life changing and I highly recommend him to anyone suffering with foot pain.
I have been a patient of Dr. DeLange's for three years. I am truly satisfied with the work that he has done on my feet. He is very professional in his manner. The treatment room is extremely clean. When I walk out of his office my feet thank me for going there.